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Butler County Flu and COVID-19 Reports

Butler County General Health District Logo_FINAL. no blue green

March 3, 2022

Butler County Flu Report 

Butler County saw two confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization for the MMWR week ending 02/26/2022. This is a total of twenty-four confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations for the 2021-2022 influenza season thus far in Butler County.

It is important to keep in mind that influenza itself is not reportable; only influenza-related hospitalizations. Thus, surveillance on influenza and other respiratory illnesses is difficult to track on a local level. The best way to prevent influenza infection is to get vaccinated.

Butler County COVID-19 Report

Butler County is currently at Medium COVID levels and 
remains outside of high transmission and high positivity with cases continuing to drop. Cases dropped another 43.9% at this week, and the drops over the past four weeks appear to be constant.

Last week the CDC released new community guidance for the general populations across the country. The community guidance places the greatest importance on the burden of the healthcare system consistent with the research indicating the lessening severity of the clinical course of illness and reduced burden on the hospital networks.