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The Whole Woman Project Launches in Butler County

Whole_Woman_Main_Logo_Print   Butler County General Health District Logo_FINAL. no blue green

March 1, 2022

Butler County Women’s Wellness Public Health Campaign: The Whole Woman Project

BUTLER COUNTY, OH - The Butler County General Health District and community partners from across the county are gearing up for the launch of The Whole Woman Project, a Women’s Wellness Public Health Campaign that will begin March 1 through May 31, 2022. 

“We want Butler County women to know they are worthy and deserving of a happy, healthy life, of being heard and respected, and to feel empowered to advocate for themselves,” states Dominique Johnson, Maternal and Child Health Project Specialist.

The Whole Woman Project (TWWP) surveyed Butler County women and worked closely with Kirchner Marketing to build content that educates women to take action when it comes to all facets of their wellness. The TWWP serves as a source of inspiration, motivation, and resources for women to reach their unique health goals. 

Johnson continues, “The survey data told us that The Whole Woman Project needed to bring awareness to women’s health, specifically outside of pregnancy and motherhood. It is time to value women as unique individuals, a person with intrinsic value, and the whole woman.”

TWWP is led by the Butler County Preconception Health Advisory Team which is comprised of a network of partners in Butler County. The project is a part of a grant, funded by the Ohio Department of Health. The campaign will include a 3-month long series of Facebook and Twitter posts, multiple billboards, participation at local community events, educational and print materials available to the community, a landing page comprised of resources and services for women to access, and gift bags for participants.

Follow Butler County General Health District’s Facebook @ButlerCountyGeneralHealthDistrict and Twitter accounts @ButlerCountyHD to access TWWP content. Visit the campaign’s webpage HERE.